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Our Services

Double Materiality Assessment

Double Materiality Assessment

Empower your strategic decision-making with a Double Materiality Assessment. Identify and prioritize environmental and social impacts along with financial risks and opportunities.

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Gap Assessment

Uncover the gaps between your current practices and industry best practices or regulatory requirements to pinpoint areas for impactful improvement.

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Gap Assessment
Science-Based Target Setting

Science-Based Target Setting

Align your business with global climate goals through Science-Based Target Setting, ensuring your environmental targets are ambitious yet achievable.

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Life Cycle Assessment

Evaluate the environmental impacts of your products or services throughout their entire life cycle to identify opportunities for sustainable innovation and reduction of carbon footprint.

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Life Cycle Assessment
CDP Reporting

CDP Submission Support

Enhance your CDP reporting process with expert guidance, from data collection to submission, ensuring your environmental stewardship is accurately represented and recognized.

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Improvement of MSCI Rating

Boost your MSCI ESG Rating through targeted strategies that improve your environmental, social, and governance practices, attracting conscious investors.

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MSCI rating
ESG assurance

ESG Assurance Readiness

Gain credibility and build stakeholder trust with ESG Assurance services that verify the accuracy and reliability of your sustainability reporting and practices.

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